Back into the swing of things

I’m finished editing the video for Culture Xplorers and will soon post a link to it online.
Ben, Jim, and I had a productive time together in the past days collaborating on this project. Our discussions also made me consider the benefits of ad hoc relationships between small organisations. We had several ideas about the possibilities of BuildaBridge and Culture Xplorers working together on projects or travel. So, maybe something to report here on that line of thinking in the future.

Otherwise, on a personal note, I am now an “official” staff person with BuildaBridge International. In October, I will go to the Czech Republic to begin the process of establishing an EU base of operations and registering as a non-profit there. I’m working on a document outlining goals and tasks for my role as European Communications Coordiantor and will post a more comprehensive description of what this all entails soon. This position will be partially paid through the regular BI budget and grant funding; however, at the outset, I will be expected to raise support for the EU office. As BI is a 501c3, all of you who have been so eager to donate to the work I am doing may now do so and get a tax deduction. I will also post my initial budget (as well as BI’s budgetary statement) and information on how all this works soon.

Currently I’m developing Wikis for BuildaBridge internal documentation management and a Wiki to collaborate on the Atlantic Bridge Curriculum (I will also continue work with AB on their Bridgebuilder materials). I’m at my parent’s place in West Virginia for a couple weeks and hope to take some long walks in the woods (will try to keep clear of the bears and coyotes).